The demand for coal as an energy source is still high across much of the United States. A proper coal deposit appraisal is a must for proper evaluation of the asset. Our appraisal team has extensive experience in this area, and has completed appraisal reports for numerous operating mines and reserve properties. Our coal appraisal efforts have included the following:
- Lignite deposits
- Bituminous coal deposits
- Anthracite coal deposits
- Coal deposits in Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Ohio
- Underground Mine
- Coal Refuse Mining (waste from bituminous coal mining and cleaning activity)
- Culm (waste from anthracite coal mining and cleaning activity)
- Ash Disposal
A few of our coal site valuation projects include, but are not limited to:
- Coal Fines recovery facilities, lands, and operations in West Virginia
- All coal reserves in the state of West Virginia
- Private rail line associated with a large coal operation in western Pennsylvania
- Coal processing, Tipple, and River load-out facilities along the Monongahela River.
Effects of Longwall Mining on Real Property Value and the Tax Base of Greene and Washington Counties, Pennsylvania (2002)
Contact us, risk-free today to discuss how we may assist you with your coal asset appraisal!

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